& other things


GURLZ WITH CURLZ created a wearable statement pouch in collaboration with HVEM - the OCIYA pouch More.

It is a homage to the iconic Afro comb, which was worn in the 1970s as a statement piece, giving a sense of identity. Over time it has developed into a political statement by the black community. The accompanying poem “wir zusammen.” defines itself as an ode to BLACK LOVE and the bond between black people.

The OCIYA pouch is a small leather utility bag that provides enough space for the most important things you carry with you every day. All pouches are handmade with passion and a lot of humour in Munich. And because of our love for sustainability, they are made to order.

Foto credit: Kaj Lehner

wir zusammen.

Wie flüssiges Gold
legt sich das Licht auf deine
heimsuchenden Lider.

Die in Kaffee und Butterduft
gehüllte Luft verweilt auf dem rastlosen

wie eine heilende Decke.

Du und ich. Wir zusammen.

Es braucht kein Wort, der den
verwundeten Ort benennt
- jener, der in jeder einzelnen unserer
Fasern brennt.

Du entwirrst meine Gedanken

wie der Comb meine Krone.
Es ist dein Halt, wie eine zweite Haut,
der mich empowered.


A GURLZ WITH CURLZ short film based on the poem “fest.” - written and narrated by Lorraine Yakubu. Created as part of the Berlin exhibition.


Directed, shot & edited by Jens Sage

Luke Sullivan

AC Carlos Meyer

Ethan Houser

Hair& make-up
Patricia Piatke

GWC concept
by Linda Nübling


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